
To install ShrtUrl on your web hosting, follow the steps below:

  1. Upload the ShrtUrl zip file to the home directory of your web hosting and extract it.

  2. Open your web browser and visit the domain where you have uploaded the ShrtUrl files. The installer page will be displayed.

  3. The installer will validate if your web server meets the requirements for running ShrtUrl. If any requirement is missing, you need to install or enable it before continuing.

  4. Once all requirements are met, the installer will ask you to input the desired credentials for the admin account.

  5. After filling in the admin credentials, click on the "Install" button.

  6. The installer will set up the ShrtUrl and complete the installation process.

  7. You will be redirected to the admin login page. Log in using the admin credentials you have just set up.

  8. You can now start using ShrtUrl by creating short URLs, blogs, pages, and managing URLs.

Last updated